Our Story Mission & Values
“Torchlight Services advocates for, promotes and facilitates the full participation, inclusion and empowerment of people who have a disability within the community”
In Achieving Our Mission, we believe:
In the importance of working collaboratively and in partnering in order to access all the community’s resources and supports in achieving the best outcomes for the people supported.
In developing an organizational culture that continually fosters learning and innovation; promotes best practices and being evidence-informed; and recognizes valued contributions of the staff and volunteers.
In being environmentally, socially and fiscally responsible for the resources and goodwill provided, and acting with transparency and ethically in all that we do.
In accordance with this Mission, we believe that each individual has fundamental rights:
- The right to an optimal quality of life
- The right to reach their full potential
- The right to be supported and encouraged to exercise choices and to make decisions that affect their lives
- That each person has a purpose in life, the potential to develop and to contribute, and is worthy of achieving a positive quality of life.
- That each person is an individual, has dignity, and is to be respected as a basis to develop positive relationships with them.
- That every individual has the right to be heard, included and to have their views listened to within their community.
- That every person has the right to be safe, and to be treated with fairness and equity, but also has important responsibilities to themselves, their family and their community.
- That the communities in which the people supported live, have a responsibility to support, accept and engage all their members, and to celebrate their potential and citizenship.
Torchlight Services shall work toward:
- Promoting public understanding, acceptance and inclusion of people who have a disability into community life;
- Providing an equality of opportunity for all people and their families to access services and supports within their home community;
- Providing supports as determined and requested by people and their families;
- Empowering people by involving them in responsible and informed decision making;
- Ensuring quality of service through regular reviews;
- Ensuring a range of quality services through cooperative planning throughout the community;